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 Healthcare Facilities

University of California San Diego, Jacobs Medical Center

Consultant architect at Cannon Design to help complete the Contract Document phase on the main nine storey Bed Tower and the Central Plant additions to the existing hospital. 


Responsible for working out problematic architectural design details and managing the document quality control review prior to OSHPD submittal.


This was an early REVIT/BIM project in the studio and required collaboration and 

detailed coordination with outside MEP, 

structural, hardware, signage and 

waterproofing consultants.


(click image to enlarge)

DGS Porterville Developmental Center, California
The existing Porterville Developmental Center was outdated, with accommodation and kitchen facilities no longer capable of providing appropriate food service to the satellite dormitory facilities it served.
BAHR architects were commissioned to design a completely new central Kitchen and Admin Center with 23 new accessible satellite kitchens and dining rooms.
Project Architect, responsible for the Contract Documentation and bid
package, involving extensive 
coordination with the Office of the State Architect and Kitchen Consultants
This project gained Leed Gold certification.
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